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Clarity of Opal how to assess and how it impacts Value of the finished stones

Clarity of Opal how to assess and how it impacts Value of the finished stones

What is Opal Clarity?

Opal, with its mesmerizing play-of-color, is a gemstone that has captivated the hearts of many. But did you know that the clarity of opal plays a crucial role in determining its value? Clarity refers to the presence of any inclusions or imperfections within the stone. In the case of opals, clarity is assessed by examining the transparency and the presence of any visible flaws.

How is Opal Clarity Assessed?

Opal clarity is assessed by experts using a variety of methods. One of the most common techniques is the visual inspection under a magnifying loupe or microscope. This allows gemologists to examine the stone for any internal or external flaws, such as cracks, chips, or inclusions. The transparency of the opal is also evaluated, ranging from opaque to translucent to transparent.

Why is Opal Clarity Important?

The clarity of opal is important because it directly impacts the stone's overall appearance and value. Opals with high clarity, meaning they are free from visible flaws, are highly sought after and command higher prices in the market. On the other hand, opals with lower clarity, which may have visible inclusions or lack transparency, are considered less valuable.

How Does Opal Clarity Impact the Value?

The impact of opal clarity on its value can be significant. Opals with excellent clarity, where the play-of-color is vibrant and the stone is free from any visible flaws, are considered the most valuable. These opals are rare and highly prized by collectors and enthusiasts. As the clarity decreases and flaws become more apparent, the value of the opal decreases accordingly.

Accessing Opal Clarity

Accessing the clarity of opal requires expertise and experience. Gemologists and lapidaries use their trained eyes and specialized tools to evaluate the clarity of opals. They consider factors such as the presence of inclusions, the transparency of the stone, and the overall visual appeal. It is important to rely on professionals when assessing opal clarity to ensure accurate evaluations.


The clarity of opal plays a vital role in determining the value of the finished stones. Opals with high clarity, free from visible flaws, are considered more valuable and desirable. On the other hand, opals with lower clarity, which may have inclusions or lack transparency, are considered less valuable. Accessing opal clarity requires the expertise of gemologists and lapidaries who use their trained eyes and specialized tools to evaluate the stones. So, the next time you admire the beauty of an opal, remember that its clarity is a key factor in its value.
Be warned sellers often sell Milky opaque opal without disclosing its lack of transparency at point of sale .

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