Rough Opal
Australian Rough Opal Black Seam Stack 23cts Exotic Gorgeous Bright Lovely FIRES in nice bars to cut 17x10x6mm to 20x6x3mm WSP59
Australian Rough Opal Top Notch Gem Grade semi Black Crystal knobby split pair 13cts Professional Cutters only! Stunning Bright exposed Reds & Multifires 15x10x10mm & 17x6x5mm WSN31
Australian Lightning Ridge Top Gem Select Bright Semi Black Seam Rough Opal 11cts Super Rainbow of Bright Multifires Stunning bar 16x11x11mm WSM100
Matey's Select Dark base Seams to cut 24.50cts Stunning Very Bright Vibrant Multifire bars to cut gems 25x12x6 & 24x12x3mm NSW055
Big Sized Lightning Ridge Gem Dark Crystal base (semi Black) Knobby split 44.00cts Stunning Super Bright Green & blue dominant M.fires Gorgeous Confetti patterns 24x16x13mm & 23x18x15mm NSW103
Lightning Ridge knobby opal rough 2 pairs of splits 59.00cts Gorgeous Green Blue dominant Multicolours to cut 23x15x12 to 20x12x8mm NSW089
Mulga® Dark base Seam opal stack 13.75cts Blue/Green/Teals Bright & Vibrant rough for cutters 20x10x5mm to 14x8x6mm NSW019
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal 49cts Big Black base Seams to cut Gorgeous Bright fires in bars to cut 32x15x9mm & 23x22x9mm WAD28
Mulga® Black Seam opal 13cts Stunning Bright & Vibrant Cutters Green / Blue dominant fires 20x15x2mm & 20x15x2mm MFB16
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Parcel 47cts Cutters Select Black bright & colourful material to cut 20x8x7mm to 15x9x6mm MFB05
Lightning Ridge Rough Mulga® Black & Semi Black Opal Seam parcel 110cts Potential & Cutters Bright fires & bars 27x18x3mm to 12x11x2mm WSV63
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Thick Seams Stack cutters 70cts Potential Grade Lots fires in nice thick bars 18x15x8mm to 15x15x8mm WST11
Australian Rough Black untouched Seam Opal Parcel from Grawin 75cts Lots of Potential & Cutters Seams Lots bright colours & bars 25x22x12mm to 22x10x5mm WSN26
Australian Rough Mulga® Black Opal Seam pair 10cts Exotic & Stunning Cutters Gorgeous Bright Multifires & Bright bars 15x12x6mm & 12x8x6mm WSM55
Lightning Ridge Rough Black & Semi Black Seams Opal Parcel 78cts Lots of Potential & Cutters Lots Bright colours & bars 25x14x5mm to 9x7x6mm WSX26
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Parcel 33cts Semi Black & Crystal High Grade Very Bright Lovely colourful material for cutters 20x8x6mm to 9x5x3mm WSX24
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Parcel Mulga® Blacks 55cts Stunning Select Bright Lovely colourful material for cutters 15x10x3mm to 6x5x2mm WSF1997
Mulga® Cutters Dark Crystal Seam opal rough Stack 15.50cts Wee Warra Plains Gorgeous Bright Multicolours & full of potential 20x15x4 to 13x9x3mm NEW913
Gemmy Coocoran Field Knobby Cutters rough opal stack 17.00cts Very Bright & Gorgeous Yellow/Green/Blue Dominant fires 18x15x4 to 17x9x4mm NEW902
One to cut Lightning Ridge Dark base Crystal Seam opal rough 19.00cts Very Bright Yellow/Green/Blue Dominant fires to cut & polish 24.000 x 20.000 x 8.000 mm NEW901
Reds & Multifires on BlackSeam rough opals of Lightning Ridge 28.50cts Gorgeous Bright colours to Chase/explore/cut 32x19x2 & 25x7x4mm NSW124
Reds & Rainbow of Amazing fires Gem Coober Pedy Crystal Seam 19.50cts How many Thick flat Stacked bars? All Packed with Red/Orange Dominant Multifires 19x16x13mm NSW117
Reds & Multifires Coober Pedy Light base Crystal Seam Split pair 51.00cts Big Thick Phat bars full of colours to cut 20x18x14mm & 16x16x10mm NSW114
Lightning Ridge Reds on Dark/Black base Knobby split 36.00cts Red dominant M.fires 24x19x12mm & 22x13x12mm NSW104
Lightning Ridge knobby & Seam opal rough 240cts Lots Bright colours & Multicolours to gamble 18x16x10 to 12x9x3mm NSW101 (jar not included)
Exotic Red on Black Lightning Ridge knobby opal rough split 9.00cts Gorgeous Multifires to cut 15x8x7 & 10x9x7mm NSW091
Lightning Ridge Knobby opal rough 430.00cts Lots of colours sold as gamble 20x14x8 to 4x3x2mm NSW071
Mulga® Blues on Black Seam opal 15.75cts Gem Qualify rough for cutters 18x8x3mm to 10x7x2mm MFB22
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal 33cts Big Pair Stunning Light/Dark Base Cutters Candy® High Grade Bright Multifires 22x14x12mm & 17x14x11mm MFB28
Big Thick Mintabie Multicolours Seams to cut 47.50cts Bright Bars showing Lots of potential for some stunners 24x16x12mm to 21x9x8mm NSW036
Australian Rough Mulga® Semi Black Seam Opal Carvers Pair 14cts Stunning Bright Multifires & Bright bars 25x20x3mm & 23x12x3mm WSM107
Australian Rough GEM Boulder Stunning Bright Multifires Packed with Potential 32cts Winton Fields Queensland 22x20x10mm WSM03
Mulga® Reds on Dark Seam Split opal 12.25cts Gorgeous Bright Multifires 20x10x5mm & 18x8x5mm MFB17
Reds & Multifires Coober Pedy Crystal Seam Split pair 62.00cts Big Thick with flat bars Stacked barsfull of Blocky colours 27x16x12mm & 20x16x14mm NSW115
Big Thick Bright Clean Seams to cut 52.00cts Coober Pedy Grey/Crystal with gorgeous Green/Blue dominant M.fires 20x18x9 & 17x15x8mm NSW053
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Parcel 67cts Black & Dark Select High Grade Bright Lovely colourful material for cutters 20x15x5mm to12x8x3mm WSY96
Bright & Vibrant Yellow Dominant Knobby opal rough 21.00cts Stunning Lighting Ridge Material to cut 16x8x6 to 8x7x5 mm NEW906
Bright & Vibrant Multicolour Knobby opal rough 31.00cts Stunning Lighting Ridge Material to cut 18x17x7 to 10x9x5 mm NEW903
Australian Rough Opal 25cts N4 Black Seams single sat on host rock Bright reds & rainbow of fires showing in the exposed bar lots Potential 21x17x14mm WSN44
Lightning Ridge Rough Mulga® Black & Semi Black Opal Seam parcel 115cts Exotic Bright Colour & Full of Potential 22x20x6mm to 10x7x2mm NSW008